Chronic Prostatitis

Chronic inflammation of the prostate affects about 30% of men at the age from 20 to 50 years. This is one of the most common among men of urological diseases.

Due to inflammation, Prostatitis, divided into two groups. The first group includes infectious Prostatitis, which can be prepared by a variety of bacteria, viruses, or fungal disease

Chronic Prostatitis

The second group includes the so-called stagnant (congestive), Prostatitis, the cause for the Stagnation of fluids (secretions) of the prostate and of the blood in the veins of this organ. The development of these symptoms is observed, for example, in the case of irregular sexual life. Venous congestion may occur in the abuse of a protracted sedentary work in a sitting position (e.g. in the case of a driver, in the case of knowledge workers), while wearing of tight underwear, as well as alcohol.

Factors in the development of Prostatitis

In addition, factors conducive to the development of Prostatitis are: reduction in the body's own immune system, disorders of the hormone balance, unhealed foci of infection, of which microbes penetrate into the prostate, and promote the development of inflammation.

The risk of Prostatitis in consequence of the fall of the immunity later often sick people, on the background of nervous systems, chronic Stress, Smoking and alcohol overload. All of these factors make it easier or the penetration of the infection into the prostate or lead to a deterioration of blood supply of pelvic organs, stagnant processes, the multiplication of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.

What is happening?

Most often, Prostatitis develops in the chronic Form, for several years, not causing is of particular importance. Not a strong pain, pain in the perineum, the sacrum, genitals, or rectum. can At regular intervals slight discharge from the urethra is observed, frequent, painful, sometimes difficulty in the water.

Unfortunately, the majority of men in this Phase does not pay attention to similar symptoms, but in vain. The risk of chronic Prostatitis is that the spread in the urinary System may lead to the development of cystitis and Pyelonephritis.

In addition, complications of Prostatitis, the vesiculitis — inflammation of the seminal are vesicles, and orchiepididymitis — inflammation of the testicles and their adnexa, and it is, after all, can lead to male infertility. In addition, inflammatory processes in the prostate can in the future be a reason of the development of the adenoma of the prostate or prostate cancer.

After a while, Prostatitis erection is causing problems. This is due to the involvement in the inflammatory process of the nerves responsible for erectile function, the prostate.

Diagnosis and treatment

So, if you have at least one of these symptoms, don't hesitate to start the disease — go to the urologist or andrologist. The doctor asks you to go to a survey, the analyses on sexual infections and uzi of the organs of the small pelvis and of the prostate, and carries out a digital rectal examination of the prostate. Fear, it is not necessary: an experienced doctor will be no pain cause you. This research is very informative. It allows for accurate diagnosis and the severity of the disease. Betastend gland (through the Anus), the doctor not only finds out what happened to her, but the attempt of a mystery. Prior to the treatment in the laboratory, the bacteriological seed of the secret of the prostate to determine the sensitivity of microflora to various antibacterial preparations is carried out. Without this treatment will not be effective, and can not for the liberation of the disease, but his transition into a new, more severe Form.

Drug therapy of the Prostatitis is complemented by a Massage of the prostate, reducing congestion, improves blood circulation and the evacuation of the secretion of the gland. Unfortunately, modern medicine does not solve the Problem of the final cure of Prostatitis. The doctor will be able the disease until Remission (absence of symptoms) for two-three years. To repeat the treatment.


To prevent always strong with the disease easier, than to cure him. Therefore, they try to follow some simple prevention measures that are able to keep you from all the "joys" Prostatitis. You waive all fashion, forced to constantly walk around in skin-tight and tight swimsuit. Free cotton panties is much more hygienic, and do not hinder the normal flow of blood in the prostate.

In addition, you can avoid hypothermia, move more and, if you do not have the option of regular sexual intercourse, Masturbation sports in the opinion of the doctors, the cleaning, and Massage, and prevention of Prostatitis is.